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  • October 8WMS softball team plays FMS in the playoffs on October 15
  • October 2WMS softball team plays IMS on October 7th!
  • October 2WMS softball team plays FMS on October 2!
The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

Mrs. Burke shows her students a card trick

Mrs. Burke takes a fun twist on virtual learning

Aleeza Raza, Author Mar 5, 2021

Mrs. Burke, a 7th grade math teacher, takes learning into her own hands by entertaining her class every now and then. It started with a class talent show; her students showed their talents even through...

Mural Club artwork!

Mrs. Kemper: the super support person of the year!

Deisy Rojas, Spring Author Jun 12, 2019

Mrs. Kemper has inspired students to paint and draw and she won the Support Person of the Year Award. She first began the Mural Club about three years ago and it's still running. Rupita Refat, a WMS...

March STAR Students

The March STAR Students Sparkle

Matthew Vacirca and Mason Allgaier May 29, 2019

The March STAR Students showed The Warrior Way to achieve the name of STAR Student of the month by being kind and respectful to their peers. Seventh grader, Matthew Uffre was nominated for STAR...

Our Teacher of the Year: Ms. Kupcho!

Ms. Kupcho: The 2018-2019 Teacher Of The Year!

Anvita Sinha, Spring Author May 28, 2019

This year, Ms. Kupcho has earned the great honor of being awarded Teacher of the Year. Ms. Kupcho is a science and sometimes math teacher. But she also participates in the PBSIS committee and is...

7th grade students of the month!

WMS students demonstrate Warrior way to win Student of the Month!

Jennah Johnson, Spring Author May 21, 2019

  The March Students of the month have been announced and have contributed to the fine character of WMS. Luke Casaliggi, 6th grade Student of the Month winner, said that his favorite teacher...

Mr.Cianfano accepting his teacher of the month award photo taken by Mrs.Torrella

Magical teachers awarded march teachers of the month

Tyler Weber and Michael Corbett May 17, 2019

Some of the best teachers in the district are in WMS. The teachers have been teacher of the month before, but they deserve to be nominated again. Mr.Cianfano was the sixth grade teacher of the month...

Congrats to Patryk Duda and Elizabeth Deleon for winning SOTM.

February’s top students dazzle WMS

Yiseth Nunez and Megan Shala Mar 27, 2019

Alaina Haniff, Jorge Fernandez, Anvita Sinha, Anthony Reyes-Pizarro, Elizabeth Deleon, and Patryk Duda were all students of the month for February in WMS. Their wonderful behavior brought teacher’s attention,...

February STAR Students

Shiny and shimmering: The February STAR Students

Andrew Jones and Josh Ruck Mar 19, 2019

In the month of February, there were thirteen students who showed great respect, responsibility, and integrity. This earned them the STAR Student award for that month. “I look up to my brother because...

Mr Maneri poses for the teacher of the month award

The fantastic February teachers of the month shine bright

Elise Gurovich and Brianna Gonzalez Mar 19, 2019

Mr. Keuscher, Ms.Moorjani, and Mr. Maneri get a big round of applause for winning teacher of the month. A Student from Mr.  Keusher’s class named Lia Trenery said, “I love how he puts humor into...

Star Students pose for a picture

The January STAR Students of the Month shine

Michael Corbett, Tyler Weber, and Yazziray Ruiz Mar 14, 2019

All of the best students are here in Woodbridge Middle School!  The STAR students have been great role models for the school in the month January. Leannie Fontan and Vicger Rodriguez showed integrity...

6th grade Students of the Month!

WMS students show Warrior Way in January!

Jennah Johnson and Deisy Rojas Mar 12, 2019

As WMS students lead by example, seven students were honored with the January Student of the Month award. These students demonstrated the Warrior Way every single day! Jorge Fernandez, 6th grade student,...

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