Special Recognition October-December!

Thank you to all the students and teachers that make WMS a greater school.

The Star Students of October: 6th Grade: Ms. Kupcho said Jordan DeJesus always helps clean up after science labs and is helping students with their projects, congratulations!

Mrs.McHale said Jeremiah Crespo surprised the class with a special treat, congratulations!

Mrs.McHale said Eliana Quiatchon assisted a new student to the class and volunteered to help every step of the way, congratulations!

Mrs.Mchale said Kyle Seniakevgch donated pencils to their class and volunteered to assist a new student to their class, congratulations!

7th Grade: Ms.Kupcho said Tyler Dachowicz suggested “No Bully November” and presented his idea to Dr.Crowe, congratulations!

Mrs.Dymond said Cain Berger helped another student by repeatedly opening his locker, congratulations.

8th Grade: Mr.Blackmore said Nurai Elshikh goes out of her way to help others in the class and she regularly volunteers to assist her peers, congratulations.

Mr.Blackmore said Alexandra Reyes puts forth an effort far more than other students, congratulations!

Mr.McGuire said Mila Golden, Emily Montesdeoca, and Danae Bispo showcased great leadership for the 6th graders at chorus rehearsals, congratulations!

Mr.McGuire said Josias Ortiz stayed after homeroom to help keep the room clean. Mrs.Dymond said Steven DeLeon wiped down all of the desks for his classmates who did not.

Mrs.Liastro said A’arrow Andrewz consistently goes out of his way to help other students in class without being asked to do so. 

6th Grade Students of the Month: “I just want to get good grades and get involved in more clubs and activities.”- Jillian Peralta “I just want to be neat and organized.”- Giuliana Traschetti

7th Grade Students of the Month: Dylan Gates: “Good Grades”

8th Grade Students of the Month: “I like to just stay on track and not get distracted because I know doing your work will work out in the end.”- Aaron Crowell. “I made a lot of new friends because I used to not be that social much.”- Christina Walrond.

Teachers of the Month:

Mrs.Mchale: “When I played school with my younger sister I always had to be the student. My godmother was a teacher so she definitely inspired me.”

Ms.Steinberg: “Getting to know these individuals helps me understand what they enjoy and that helps me connect with them and then I know how to do it.”

Mr. Malmstrom: “I think my favorite part is when students can achieve something that they didn’t think was possible and when students feel empowered to do things on their own.”

The Star Students of November:

6th Grade: Ms.Kupcho said Greven Lewis has an outstanding academic achievement in Science.

Ms.Kupcho said Madelyn Reyna Matos is helpful in science class. Mr.Catalano said Micahel Hernandez goes beyond to make sure his work is completed and he also helps others in class if they do not understand a topic, congratulations!

7th Grade: Ms.Lukachyk said Luis Redrovan and John Samilla opened the door for her when she was walking out of the building at the end of the day, congratulations!

Ms. Burke said Olivia Sawicka always makes sure others are included when breaking into partners and helps out straighten the room, congratulations!

Ms. Kupcho said Monserrat Pereyra made a new student feel comfortable and escorted her around the building, congratulations!

Ms.Kupcho said Michael Hernandez always volunteers to clean up after science labs, congratulations!

8th Grade: Ms.Dinella said Laura Mazur showed a new student around the building. She also asked him if he needed help the next day, noticed he didn’t have a mask and offered to take him to the office to show him where the extra masks are in case he forgets, congratulations!

Mr.Blackmore said Nurai Elshikh frequently reaches out to help others. She is always connecting to everyone in need. Even Mr.Blackmore, congratulations!

Mr.Blackmore said Josias Ortiz is always showing leadership skills, he was able to articulate a self-awareness that keeps all of us aware of our own limitations, congratulations!

Mr.Blackmore said Nyiah Morris has shown a hardworking, quiet yet confident work ethic, congratulations!

Teachers of the Month:

Ms.Duffy: “Wanting to make children feel special,important and that they matter while they learn.”

Ms.Douglas: “I get to meet all kinds of really fun and intelligent 8th graders.”

The Star Students of December:

6th grade: Ms.Dinella said Christina Nicolosi went to the nurse to get an ice pack for a student who tripped on a chair leg, congratulations!

Mrs.Steinberg said Cody Ulmer always assists his peers when they ask, congratulations!

Mrs Steinberg said Rhia Campos showed her classmates a great example for a successful student – polite,responsible, and respectful to others, congratulations!

Mr.Guidetti said Crynthia Olsen gave him money that she found outside near where the 7th graders lined up in the morning, congratulations!

7th Grade: Mr.Guidetti said Nathaniel Langon gave him the money he had found outside in front of the building after school, congratulations!

8th Grade: Ms.Dymond said Ma’ki Thomas is always so helpful and kind to his fellow classmates, congratulations!

Lets hear from some students:

“I like baking and doing crafts.” “Play with my friends” “I’m looking forward to finishing my geometry course because I want to be able to go into highschool starting with precalc.” 

“I definitely want to finish off the year honor roll for all the marking periods and keep up with my straight A’s.”

Teachers of the Month:

Ms.Moorjani: “To educate kids. That’s the most important thing. Because if you educate the kid, you are making the like the nation I would say to become good in education and citizens. And its good for the country.”

Ms. Liastro: “Having a relationship with my students. I love interacting with my students, getting to know them, having fun. I like the days where we get off topic and talk about something that has nothing to do with what we’re studying because that just to me is what teaching is all about.”