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  • October 8WMS softball team plays FMS in the playoffs on October 15
  • October 2WMS softball team plays IMS on October 7th!
  • October 2WMS softball team plays FMS on October 2!
The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

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Cruella DeVille: The Review

Aleeza Raza, Editor Oct 19, 2021

The new movie Cruella was released on May 28th 2021. This was the remake of the classic 101 Dalmatians yet this movie was much different from the original.  This new film focused on Estella's fashion...

Mrs. Burke teaches a math lesson to her new 7th graders

WMS students come back together after 2 years of remote learning

This September, students, faculty, and staff came back to the WMS building after almost two years of being virtual because of the ongoing pandemic. After not being in school for two years, student Christina...

TAKE A LOOK INTO THE NJHS: The new NJHS members gather outside for their induction ceremony

NJHS ceremony inspires first Gathering back at school

Aleeza Raza, Author Jun 15, 2021

56 students were inducted into the NJHS on May 4th 2021; this joyous occasion took place in the WMS parking lot that afternoon.  Several town officials made speeches during the ceremony including Emily...

MAYBE ONE MORE EPISODE: Take a seat in a comfortable chair and start watching some quality content

Are you still watching? Let’s take a deep dive into streaming services

Alaina Haniff, Editor Jun 14, 2021

You sit comfortably on your couch. One hand grazes the bowl of salty, buttery popcorn on your side while your other hand grasps the TV remote that scrolls through hours of entertainment, waiting to be...

WMS HAS GOT TALENT: Here are the brave actors in Drama Club, performing on the main steps of Woodbridge Middle

3 Easy Tips to Manage Your Stage Fright

Nicole Vincent, Editor Jun 14, 2021

Glossophobia, more commonly known as stage fright, is one of the most common phobias in the world with over 73% of the population having to face it. Some people even fear it over death! It is something...

DANCE COMPETITION: This is a picture of me with all of my dance teammates at dance competition right after we were all done dancing.

The Life of A Dancer

Daleanna Corretjer Jun 14, 2021

Dancing is a challenging sport because with dancing comes emotion, and competition at its most difficult level. Some kids can’t even live without dancing. But competitions are the most nerve-racking...

GINNY, GEORGIA, AND AUSTIN: One of the first scenes we see of the mother-daughter duo, as well as Ginny's brother Austin.

A Review on Netflix’s “Ginny and Georgia”

Janae Li, Editor Jun 14, 2021

Recently released in February, the Netflix show Ginny and Georgia has since amassed enough pleased viewers that a second season is in the making. Entwined with both teenage and darker drama, the show is...

If The Unholy was a candle, I would blow it out and rather be in the darkness

The Unholy review, is it good or bad?

Nigel Mangal, Editor Jun 14, 2021

Satan inspired the worst, most offensive, and unscary horror movie of the year so far. The Unholy is a terrible movie with many offensive scenes. It wasn’t long enough and wasn’t scary/gory enough. I...

The Reality Of Online and In-School Learning: Mr. Malmstrom helps his in-person and online students with their article for the Warrior Messenger website!

Our online school experience; life is harder than it seems

Naima Rowe, Author Jun 11, 2021

As we were just having a normal day, news broke out that a new virus had begun. That virus was named…Coronavirus/Covid-19. We all thought we would have only 2 weeks off of school or work. Who would have...

 THE WMS SPRING PERFORMANCE: Josias Ortiz acting in a skit on the WMS grand staircase at the Drama Club performance two weeks ago.

Josias Ortiz’s passion for acting shines through at WMS

Lexi Morales, Author Jun 11, 2021

Put yourself in the shoes of a 7th grader trying to figure out who you are as a person and what you're meant to do. Sounds difficult enough, right?  Now take Josias Ortiz, who is having to deal with the...

BUZZ BUZZ: New notification? Or a new text message? The constant distractions of your phone cause people to put things on hault, just to check a message.

Should 9 year olds or younger have a phone?

Nevaeh Manning, Spring Author Jun 11, 2021

48.33% of the world is known to be an owner of a smartphone and 67.07% own a mobile phone. We’re living in a world full of technology, it’s a necessity for people. Phones help with security for your...

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