Alivia Toliver, Spring Editor
Alivia Toliver is an 8th grade student at Woodbridge Middle School. Being thirteen, Alivia used to occupy herself with a lot of clubs and after school sports. After realizing the impact grades will have on her future life, she turned the wheels around before it was too late. When the seasons of the sports concluded, decidedly, she quit her passionable hobbies and did what mattered most, grades. At home, Alivia spends part of her days watching endless YouTube videos from her favorite YouTubers. She enjoys whatever she puts her mind to, pushing past her limits and enjoys picking up new hobbies, such as origami, drawing, and other random interests. Alivia has been blessed to have anxiety; it may stop her from her experiences, but it also has opened up her life. She wants to learn to speak Japanese because the culture, she claims is quite “fascinating”. She isn’t a picky eater, but she enjoys her days chowing down on some pizza and/or ramen noodle soup.