Hey sisters! Here’s the tea on YouTube!


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Adrianna Popovich, Fall Author

YouTube was a big part of the childhoods of people born in the 2000’s. There’s over 2 billion monthly users. All of them are unique–unless they steal content. Not everyone is going to like gaming videos, and not everyone will like beauty or makeup tutorials. But there is something on YouTube for everyone.

For example, the most popular genre on YouTube, according to an anonymous survey, is gaming. Out of the eight responses, six of them chose gaming. Five chose the “other” category, four chose animations, three people chose both music videos and comedy skits, two votes for vlogs and one for commentary.

The first 7th grader I interviewed said that she “enjoyed watching video game gameplay,” and that her favorite YouTuber is Emkay, a channel with a couple of different guys laughing at Reddit posts. She said she found out about him by seeing them in her YouTube recommendations one day. Emkay is “relatively popular.” She also noted that she does not have a least favorite YouTuber.

The second 7th grader I interviewed likes listening to music on YouTube the best, but his favorite YouTuber is jacksepticeye. Jacksepticeye, who’s real name is Sean, is an extremely popular gaming YouTuber, with over twenty three million subscribers. The interviewee found out about him through recommendations. He also said that his least favorite YouTuber is Reaction Time, a channel that makes reaction videos with overexaggerated expressions and ways of speaking.

The third 7th grader said she likes watching Wii Sports and Papa’s games on YouTube, and that her favorite YouTube channel is The LaBrant Fam, which she found in her YouTube recommendations, and that she says that she “guesses” they’re popular. She also stated that she likes vlogs. She also said that she dislikes That Youtube Family.

The last 7th grader that was interviewed said that he enjoyed watching Pokémon gameplays, and that his favorite YouTuber is also jacksepticeye, who he likes because he’s “funny.” He found the channel from the trending tab. The 7th grader also stated that he hated Ryan’s Toy Review, or Ryan’s World. Ryan is an 8 year old who reviews toys, does science experiments and makes music videos.

No two people have the same exact opinion on YouTubers. With classic channels, some people may prefer the content put out now over their older content, for some people it might be the opposite. Even with opinions, you can’t deny that most of Gen Z grew up watching YouTube, and even creating their own videos. YouTube holds a special place in the hearts of many, whether you’re a content creator, an active commenter, or you just watch and enjoy.