WMS students and teacher body make the best of construction


WMS semester 1 Journalism class working on articles and making the best of what they have

WMS students and the teacher body gave thoughts on moving into the new middle school and our current situation in the high school. 

Updates on the new middle school. 

Mr. Cardoso is not only a technology teacher, he is also involved with the construction at WMS and gave insight of what’s going on. Therefore, Mr. Cardoso stated, “There are going to be inspections this week.” When asked about any estimates on the school, he briefly said there “couldn’t be any answers until after the inspections were done”. 

In a recent interview Mr. Cardoso explained that he’s not sure how inspections went (week of fall break) but he said, “They wanted us to do a couple more things that weren’t planned.” As of right now there are still no estimates of when WMS will be finished. 

Interviews w/ students and teachers

When we asked Mr. Olvesen when he thinks our middle school will be done his response was simply, “ November.” We also asked his thoughts on the current situation with the highschool and he said “it’s a unique experience that allows us to adapt.” When we asked Mr. Maneri the same question he said that he “didn’t like the stairs, but nothing else really, it’s a classroom.” Mr. Maneri added, “One problem I have is it takes longer to do my hair in the morning, and you can quote me on that!” 

Students had a different take on the situation.. Tyler Weber, and 8th grader and baseball player, explained how his day-to-day has been, “ Yea, I mean it is a little bit harder.” He added that he’s been more “focused” on sports than school. Weber then explained how he feels being at the high school, “ It’s ok, I’d rather be in the middle school though.” 

Brianna Vargo, an 8th grader on the basketball and softball team, explained what the hardest part of her school day is and she said, “ Going to my locker because it’s all the way down the hall.” Vargo also explained what her thoughts on being in the highschool are and Vargo said, “ Inconvenient because my mom has to drive to AMS for my brother and then drop me off here.” 

Being in the highschool instead of the middle school is impacts everyone’s daily schedule differently. For some, the day gets harder, while other schedules haven’t changed a bit. We also realized how different the teachers perspective is compared to our WMS students.