Anytime is the best time for art!


Mrs. Donewitz

WMS art projects on display at Woodbridge Library

Ashantae James and Gianna Orten

Mrs.Donewitz is a WMS teacher that always had a dream of becoming an art teacher. Donewitz loves all her kids and said, “each are talented in their own way.”

Donewitz said that her favorite artist is Henri Matisse. But she is inspired by many different artists and also likes to create projects that she enjoys! Donewitz said there will be a new Art room at WMS, but Donewitz still plans on doing the same artwork.

Ms. Wang is Donewitz’s student teacher this year. Donewitz said she is “very helpful” with her and students. Ms.Wang came from Taiwan. Wang said it’s very different here because there are a lot of different cultures. “I really like it here in America but I do have some dislikes,” she said. “My favorite project to do is the Mood Portrait. Every one is different so I like when they express who they are,” Wang usually only does this project for 6th graders. Wang said one of the hardest things when coming here was learning a new language, “I spoke Mandarin for 30 years and it’s really hard sometimes.”

Berdie Sainterme is a WMS student who loves art and creativity. She also plans on taking it next year. Sainterme also loves Ms.Wang and her project. “I’m going to miss that class,” said Sainterme.

Kimora Park is also a WMS student that loves art. She said it was a really fun and easy class and does recommend it to 6 and 7th grade students who haven’t taken the class. “It feels like it made the first semester of school go by faster,” said Park.

Nick Mutlilitis goes to WMS and finds art “boring”, but he still provided some advice, which  would be to take it with a friend. He doesn’t plan on taking it in High School. Besides finding art boring, he like Mrs. Donewitz’s teaching.

Go check out WMS student artwork at the Woodbridge Library while it’s being displayed in the month of March!

WMS art projects
Mrs. Donewitz
More WMS art on display