Scholastic takes WMS by storm raining books

WMS STUDENTS AT THE BOOK FAIR: Here's a snapshot of WMS students taking part in the book fair.

Brandon Bryant

WMS STUDENTS AT THE BOOK FAIR: Here’s a snapshot of WMS students taking part in the book fair.

Isaiah M and Brandon Bryant

WMS had their first book fair in 7 years. Mrs. Dinella, a reading teacher, came up with the idea then with help from Mr.Malmstrom, a journalism teacher, and the new principal, Dr.Lott, the idea came to fruition.

Most kids were excited to have a book fair as Amalia Lopez, a 6th grader at WMS  said, “It’s going to be pretty good.”

Even those that haven’t been to the book fair are excited like Macie Mastrola, an 8th grader at WMS said, “It’s going to be a good opportunity to get kids to read more books.”Amalia Lopez, a 6th grader at WMS  said, “It’s going to be pretty good.”

Also, the book fair had a large variety of books to choose from including mystery, manga, romance, and survival.

Most people who went to the book fair were happy with the choices and opportunities to read different genres.  Amalia Lopez, a 6th grader at WMS, stated, “I liked all the different books like the anime.”

What most people didn’t know was that Scholastic was the main supplier for the WMS’s book fair. The main reason for this was in Mr.Malmstroms’ words,  “Scholastic, I think, is the only company I know of that does the book fair.”

The main goal of the book fair is to eventually create a library for WMS. 

WMS’S FIRST BOOK FAIR IN 7 YEARS:Here’s a snapshot of a WMS student looking at the selection. (Brandon Bryant)

The library will be made up of books chosen by the kids that participated in the book fair with a $15.00 limit set by the school.  Students will be able to read the book they chose, then share with each other.

One interesting thing about the book fair is that they will give volunteers videos showing how to work the cash register.

As Mr.Malmstrom said, “While the book fair is proceeding, anyone at the register can call me if anyone is having a hard time.”

Furthermore, before the book fair most kids were thinking about if the book fair was going to be fun and Amaziah Nalley said that it “depends on what’s there.”

The book fair was a great success. Mr. Malmstrom said, “This summer we’re hoping to make a library.” 

Before they began construction on the school years ago they had a library, but they took it down to make room for other classrooms 

Room 310,311, and 309 used to be the library before being replaced by the staff room and two language arts rooms.

WMS’S FIRST BOOK FAIR IN OVER 7 YEARS:Here’s a snapshot of some of the book fair’s selection.
(Isaiah M)

Most people in the book fair chose books they liked. Mastrola, an 8th grader at WMS said they were going to get  “probably a teen romance.”

That’s why the book fair was a success and how WMS students might have a library next year.