Let’s “Leap” Into Dance

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Jan 30, 2020
Dance is an amazing sport that you can try and never be wrong or bad. Dancing is a way to express your emotions and be free. It can be tricky at first, but all it takes is hard work. There are a variety of different types of dancing, so make sure you really find one or a couple types you enjoy!
I interviewed a WMS eighth grade student, Rebecca Desmond who goes to Joy’s Dance House ,to tell you more about dance. She said, “I have been dancing for seven years, and one of my favorite things about it is how it makes me feel.” When dancing, one can express whatever they are feeling with their body movement. Something that my teachers always say to me is to leave any stress or anger I am feeling outside the studio and be free.
Desmond said her favorite type of dance is contemporary because “it shows lots of emotion and you’re telling the story through the music,your body,and face.” Contemporary is a combination of modern jazz, ballet, and lyrical. The dance movements are like a “liquid in your body just flowing around.”
We both believe that the dance community is very welcoming to new newcomers. Our teachers and directors always try to inspire people to start dancing because it’s a good way to get exercise while your having fun, and making new friends and memories. Not only have I learned a lot from dance, but I learned a lot about myself, my body and what’s best for myself. Dancing takes hard work but if you love it you’ll accomplish anything in your way.
This is a message for any boy dancers or any boys that would like to become a dancer. Most classes are filled with girls, so you might not feel like you fit in, or get made fun of, but I know lots of amazing guy dancers that did get made fun of, but they never gave up and that’s why they are amazing. If you are a boy and you truly love dance, don’t let anyone get in your way, and even if you are the only boy in a class, that will make you stand out even more.
Another very important thing to do while dancing is to be CONFIDENT! If you are not confident in what your doing it might not be your passion. Dancing isn’t always about getting the choreography right, or having the best technique, it’s about how much fun you’re having and building confidence. Be strong in your dancing because younger kids will look up to you, so be an awesome example.
If you just started dancing and it’s hard for you, don’t give up. When I first started at Across The Floor I wasn’t very confident or good, but now I know where I am because of my hard work.