Decades of Television
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Jan 8, 2020
Let’s take you back to the early two thousands when you came home from school, munched on your favorite snacks, turned on the TV and watched your favorite show. WMS students were no different, with a myriad of choices to watch. Twenty five seventh grade WMS students took a poll of the best show and Blues Clues got took the top score with twenty two votes.
Blues Clues was a fun show that every young kid adored, but it wasn’t the only loved show. According to the poll, Bubble Guppies, Yo Gabba Gabba, Backyardigans and Sesame Street were also in the top five. All of these shows taught problem solving skills, shapes, colors, and numbers.
Children’s shows have changed a lot over the years. Now, shows are less educational than older shows. Studies show that there are barely any educational shows for kids now. The most recent one is One Big Ocean, which came out in 2017. Shows now are more geared towards entertainment than problem solving skills. We prefer young kids to watch shows from the mid 2000’s. Here’s a list of the best shows now and then.
The most watched shows:
Paw patrol (2013) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006)
Nina’s World (2015) Sesame Street (2006)
Mickey Mouse Mixed up adventures(2017) The Backyardigans (2004)
Puppy Dog pals(2017) Yo Gabba Gabba(2007)
Shimmer and Shine (2015) Peppa Pig (2004)
PJ Masks (2015) Team Umizoomi (2010)
Vampirina (2017) Dora The Explorer(1999)
Motown Magic(2018)
We also interviewed a couple of WMS teachers to get information from shows they watched as kids. Seventh grade teacher, Mr.Malmstrom, explained how Mr.Rogers was his favorite show because all the puppets were “cool” and the show was very “creative”. Malmstrom said he learned “the importance of sharing, being yourself, and accepting your flaws”.
Another seventh grade teacher Mr.Blasena said his favorite show was The Price Is Right. It was a fun family game show everyone enjoyed. It was created in 1956 and later revamped in 1972. Contestants would go on and play for money and prizes. This show is one of the longest airing shows in the United States and is still airing!
Doing these interviews and researching, we learned how much television has changed over time. Now that you know about change in shows, what shows would you let your kids watch?