Iphone Vs Android
The IPhone and Android Debate
Dec 3, 2019
One of the biggest debates involved in the technological landscape of American society is the IPhone vs Android competition. Both brands are making the best product to be the top brand, but who is winning?
Studies have proven that Apple products, more specifically, iPhones are more secure because they can’t obtain viruses and bugs whereas an Android can. If we are talking product amount, Android has more products on the market and still continue to make them because Android also makes Google phones as well.
iPhones have features that beat Android. Those features include FaceTime, camera quality, bigger screen size, and long battery life, and etc. Android features include alternate keyboards, wireless app downloads, storage, and battery swap., and etc.
Some 8th graders said that they have a completely different phone. Her name is Bailey Casanova. She has the LG Tribute Dynasty. She likes her phone because it holds a lot of storage and it is “very efficient”.
Another 8th grader, who’s name is Hailey Lyman, has the IPhone XR also known as the 10R. She said she likes her phone because its “amazing” and in her opinion is that “it’s better than Android”. However, the phone is not perfect, Lyman said that her phone is “always glitching in apps” and she cracked it.
WMS Music teacher, Mr McGuire, said that he has an Android S10. He likes his phone because of the charging cord. Android just changed their cord to the same one as an Apple cord. The old one McGuire likes better because he had a lot of utilities that all used the same cord so he liked
One of the biggest debates involved in the technological landscape of American society is the IPhone vs Android competition. Both brands are making the best product to be the top brand, but who is winning?
Studies have proven that Apple products, more specifically, iPhones are more secure because they can’t obtain viruses and bugs whereas an Android can. If we are talking product amount, Android has more products on the market and still continue to make them because Android also makes Google phones as well.
iPhones have features that beat Android. Those features include FaceTime, camera quality, bigger screen size, and long battery life, and etc. Android features include alternate keyboards, wireless app downloads, storage, and battery swap., and etc.
Some 8th graders said that they have a completely different phone. Her name is Bailey Casanova. She has the LG Tribute Dynasty. She likes her phone because it holds a lot of storage and it is “very efficient”.
Another 8th grader, who’s name is Hailey Lyman, has the IPhone XR also known as the 10R. She said she likes her phone because its “amazing” and in her opinion is that “it’s better than Android”. However, the phone is not perfect, Lyman said that her phone is “always glitching in apps” and she cracked it.
WMS Music teacher, Mr McGuire, said that he has an Android S10. He likes his phone because of the charging cord. Android just changed their cord to the same one as an Apple cord. The old one McGuire likes better because he had a lot of utilities that all used the same cord so he liked only having to use that one cord.
Finally Brianna Vargo has an iPhone XR in the color white. She said she likes her phone because it is more faster and more clear production. Vargo claimed that her phone is “bleeding” from cracking her phone. Her glass back also cracked as well as the screen protector and screen itself.
Finally Brianna Vargo has an IPhone XR in the color white. She said she likes her phone because it is more faster and more clear production. Vargo claimed that her phone is “bleeding” from cracking her phone. Her glass back also cracked as well as the screen protector and screen itself.