8th grade saying goodbye…

Ashantae James and Gianna orten

Graduation is getting a diploma or academic degree, in which students become graduates. The date of graduation is often called graduation day.

Most WMS students say they’re biggest middle school accomplishment will be walking across the stage grabbing their deployment saying goodbye to peers they have spent their last three years with.

June 21 will be the last time most of my peers see me everyday being that I’ll be going to Colonia high school. But it’s not only me, most students will either be going to a different school or moving. Everyone from WMS that was interviewed has agreed that they have changed in at least one way. Whether it was height, friends, personality, or looks.

The thought of Graduation was never sad to me. I always just thought that Graduation would be the day I was going to receive a certificate and go to another school. I never thought graduating middle school was going to be something special. But with the difference being that I wasn’t going to be in the same school next year. The thought of starting a new chapter in my life is definitely the scariest. There are several reasons why I consider middle school my favorite years.

A few wms students Damon Shearing, Kaitlyn Chepel, Kayla Ruiz, and Patryk Duda were asked what was their favorite memory about middle school. “The 8th Grade Trip to Six Flags.” Shearing said. “My favorite memory is the 8th Grade Dance!” Kaitlyn responded. “My favorite memory was the 8th grade dance.” Kayla replied. “My favorite memory from middle school is 6th and 7th because of gym, I had all my friends in my class and they made it fun!” Patryk added.

Even though it’s going to be sad leaving middle school 8th grade students can’t wait for high school and are always going to remember the fun memories.