Why do people use Snapchat?

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Jun 7, 2019
Did you know that 75% of teenagers have Snapchat in the whole world? THAT’S CRAZY!
The application has garnered a lot of worldwide attention, and it’s ridiculous how fast it’s risen in popularity. So what’s all the buzz around Snapchat?
Originally starting with the name “Picaboo”, Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app used globally all around the world! Usually people go on Snapchat to post about their day-to-day life, or to check what other people or posting about. 80% of WMS students use Snapchat frequently! As of May 2018, 25 pictures are sent per second. On average, from all of their users, 25-30 minutes are spent daily on the app. Although the app is great for contacting your friends, it can be used dangerously, just like any other social media.
Snapchat streaks are a major function of Snapchat as a whole. To start a streak, you and a pal have to start a constant stream of sending each other one “snap” (image, video). Snapchat streaks get people to frequently go onto the app daily, trying to keep and elongate their streak. The current longest streak has went on for a total of 1401 days and counting. That’s almost four years!
Snapchat also has a built-in news system! You can stay up to date through the news articles posted daily. It’s something cool to read and look through. If you don’t like the stories or news articles they post, you can simply add friends and check out their stories! The entire point of Snapchat is to socialize.
Snapchat also has a method of making your pictures pop with a feature known as filters. You can add frames and effects to make your pictures more alive. You can even create your own filters, known as lenses, and share them across the internet.
Snapchat has grown as a platform in the past eight years of its existence. The app helps friends keep in touch, and even allows fans to directly communicate with their favorite celebrities. Snapchat’s daily news flow can help people get through their day, and filters cheer everyone up. People use Snapchat for entertainment.