Students Create Outstanding Representation in World History


Representation created by the students.

Angelica Rosario and

Students in Woodbridge Middle school, Ryleigh Mihalics, Vanessa Pinto, Sophia Cook, and Adriana Valladares Alvarez created a statue that went above and beyond expected of their teacher.


Located on 582 Rahway Avenue, there is a 142 year old building named the Barron Arts center. It is a historical location in Woodbridge that, quoted from a document about the Barron Arts Center,  “serves as the center for the arts” . It is quite a popular name around this town, so popular that it crawled into the minds of Ryleigh Mihalics, Vanessa Pinto, Sophia Cook, Adriana Valladares Alvarez.


The Barron Arts Center is known for its art inside the building, but what these group of kids noticed is what is located on the outside. A statue of what seems to be a “metal lady” according to Mihalics. Their reasoning for making this statue was to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Woodbridge. Issued by their teacher Mr. Keuscher, they all received a glowing grade for this submission. Mr. Keuscher has even requested to have it shown inside the Barron Arts Center. But, while this is a great accomplishment, there are other submissions to be in the Barron Arts Center.


In this “creative, hardworking, tireless work”, quoted from Mr. Keuscher, it took them “at least an hour and a half, almost two hours” says Mihalics. They all came together and made this beautiful representation of the statue. Mr. Keuscher thinks it’s a “very optimistic and inspiring interpretation” and is “very proud of the work they worked on”. He believes that their talent and dedication goes above and beyond, rather than the assignment he was looking for like essays and slides.