Ms. Kupcho: The 2018-2019 Teacher Of The Year!
May 28, 2019
This year, Ms. Kupcho has earned the great honor of being awarded Teacher of the Year.
Ms. Kupcho is a science and sometimes math teacher. But she also participates in the PBSIS committee and is a member in the I&RS, another committee which arranges ways to help underprivileged and/or struggling students. In addition, she is the sixth grade PLC leader, meaning she plans the trips and does other activities for that grade. She even helps out in the counseling office, handling the fundraising such as the morning snacks.
This amazing and extremely busy teacher lives in South Plainfield. She has been married for twenty-seven years and has 2 sons. Ms. Kupcho adores dogs and always has at least one at home. Her hobbies are to read and watch wrestling or baseball. She also “loves to travel”. Even in childhood, she knew she was going to be a teacher, taking inspiration from her mother, who was also a teacher.
Ms. Kupcho was “honored and excited” and apparently didn’t expect it at all.
After interviewing numerous people, staff and student, there was nobody who had a less-than-splendid view of her, even people had not known her for long. Michael Corbett, a seventh grader, though he said he only knew her for, “probably just this year,” said, “Mrs. Kupcho is always really nice and always tries to help whenever she can”.
Mr. Malmstrom included she is a “beacon of positivity at WMS”. Mrs. Valente said she is “hardworking and caring” and always wants “the students to succeed and never be left out of anything”. Ms. Torella said she is one of “the best teachers at WMS.” Ms. Barber also said Ms. Kupcho is “so much fun, a quick thinker…”. Mr. Olvesen also included. “Her willingness to put others needs in front of her is unmatched! She goes above and beyond…”
Congrats to Ms. Kupcho and thank you for all your amazing work!