Teams are Dunking Their Way into The Playoffs

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Aidan Castro, Spring Editor

As the NBA rolls into the 2019 playoffs, teams are getting ready to go head-to-head in a best of seven series. NBA teams play 82 games a season in hopes to be in the top eight teams in the Western Conference or the Eastern Conference. Now that teams are set in seeding for the playoffs, they get ready by finishing the last few games of the regular season and getting extra practice in for the playoffs.

In the Western Conference the Golden State Warriors have clinched the one seed against the Denver Nuggets beating them in their final matchup of the season 116-102 in a run to the playoffs. Both teams have clinched the one and two seed for the playoffs.

Over in the Eastern Conference the Miami Heat and the Orlando Magic are trying their hardest to just make it in as the eighth seed in the east with thirty-eight wins each. They both are hoping for each other to lose so their seasons can continue.

Still in the Eastern Conference The Milwaukee Bucks clinch the one seed and will finish with the best record this year in the NBA. But with Giannis Antetokounmpo’s recent injury we don’t know how long he will be out and if he will be there first the first round.

James Harden, an MVP candidate from the Western Conference, has been averaging the most points in the league this season dominating his competition and keeping himself and the Houston Rockets at the three seed. Harden having over three fifty-point triple-doubles this season and averaging over thirty-five points per game is definitely an MVP season.

Up in Oklahoma City the Thunder have been playing pretty decent this year. With Russell Westbrook and Paul George as MVP candidates, the Thunder are definitely looking strong for the playoffs, especially after Westbrook had twenty points twenty rebounds and twenty assist for a triple-double a few day ago and became the second player to ever do that in NBA history.

Over the years, the Western Conference has been dominate and overall better than the Eastern Conference. Players from the east has left their teams to go play in the West in the past couple of years. This year is different because the best team in the NBA is from the East and there are teams from the East that are definitely able to take down teams like the Denver Nuggets or the Houston Rockets and even the Golden State Warriors.

The NBA playoffs are expected to be very exciting this year and more competitive then they ever have been. People expecting for series to go to game six or seven and giving the excitement the NBA should have but sadly hasn’t in years. Fans all around the world are ready for the playoffs to start and see their favorite teams play their best to hopefully win the NBA Finals.