The WMS girls bowling team wins championship

Caitlin O’Brien

Girls bowling Team Holds Trophy with pride

Hailey Lyman and Caite O'Brien

The WMS Girl’s Bowling team ended their season with a win,, which makes them Champions for the first time in the history of the school,and also broke Iselin’s four year winning streak.

Coach Maneri  said he was “very proud” and “always believed” in his team. Mr Maneri has been bowling since he was 16, so he is extremely proud to see his team going in the same direction as him.

7th grade student Alyssa Androvich stated,, “The whole team should be really proud because we all worked extremely hard to win championships and it is a great accomplishment.””

8th grade student Gianna Orten stated “I’m very sad that it’s my last game at WMS and last game with Mr. Maneri as my coach because me and him had a special bond and it will definitely be different with him not as my coach.”

7th grade student, Vanessa Morales, is also proud of the team but she was also happy because she had lots of fun this season and is  hoping to win next year’s championships too.

7th grade student Hailey Lyman is “extremely” proud of her teammates that they won their first Championship game for the Lady Warriors bowling team. She stated, “When I heard we won I wasn’t shocked because i believed in us, i was very proud because the whole team has worked very hard and the work definitely paid off.”

She also said that everyone has their own techniques to do and the practice definitely paid off.

The girls bowling team won the championships this year and are hoping to win next year too!