Come one, come all, to Cafe Night at WMS!
The stage-soon to be filled with awesome acts!
Mar 15, 2019
It’s that time of year again! Woodbridge Middle School is hosting their annual Cafe Night/Talent Show, on Thursday, March 28th at 6pm. Be there or be square!
This year’s Cafe night will be co-hosted by history teacher and Drama Club Director, Ms. Masperi. Masperi and her colleague Mrs. Liastro, have to cast the students after their auditions. Ms Masperi described this part as the “only thing”she “dislikes” about doing Drama Club.
Maylin Alvarez, a 7th grade student at WMS is looking forward to singing at the event. Alvarez stated: “[Cafe Night is] a place where you can really show your talent and your interest in stuff. You can really express yourself”. She also said, “I’m singing a song by Beyoncé. She inspires me in a way and I look up to her.” Alvarez explained that she was “pretty nervous” for her audition. Before the audition she thought “I got this in the bag,” but when she went on stage, she got nervous. She explained that “the nerves get to you when you go on stage.”
Masperi said that they have a “nice array” of acts this in year’s event. She stated that she is looking forward to for Cafe Night. “It’s the highlight of doing drama club. It was always something that I enjoyed when I was in school and now I can share it with other people.”
Cafe night is March 28th at 6pm in the Woodbridge Middle School auditorium! Come support our performers! Don’t miss it!

The permission slip to sign up for Cafe night!