Mrs.Donewitz inspires WMS to make resolutions
2019 resolutions
Jan 31, 2019
It’s 2019 and it’s that time where people around the world are making resolutions and attempting to accomplishing them.
8th grade art teacher, Mrs. Donewitz, is organizing a New Year’s resolution project. This project was school-wide students to write down their resolutions during 3rd block on a sticky note, then they are made a giant “2019” out of their resolutions to be displayed in the cafeteria.
Mrs.Donewitz said that her goal for students is to begin “thinking about a positive year”. In some of the resolution she expects to be “school related,family related and [she] found some good resolutions”
Mrs.Donewitz stated,”This art project is more for the Warrior Way to send positive messages.
Here are some WMS student resolutions:
Sanaii Williamson- 8th grader stated her 2019 resolution is “Get straight A’s”
Anyla Jenkins- 8th grader said her 2019 resolution is “Step her shoe game up”
Rahshon- 7th grader said his 2019 resolution is “To go outside more and get straight A’s”
Annette- 7th grader said her 2019 resolution is “Get good grades and help out more”
Savannah- 7th grader said her 2019 resolution is “To become my own person and let out the negative things”
Caitlin- 7th grade said her 2019 resolution is “Get better grades”
Maggie- 7th grader said her 2019 resolution is “Stay out of drama”
Emelie- 6th grader said her 2019 resolution is “Finish watching Sabrina and grow hair longer”
Harnit- 6th grader said her New Year’s resolution is “Go outside more”
Marcel- 6th grader said his New Year’s resolution is “To get from C+ to a B+”