Clubs of WMS 2018-2019
Mural at the front lobby at WMS
Oct 31, 2018
Clubs are a big part of WMS, especially due to the construction. Many people, however, have not been aware of these clubs and therefore have not joined. Here is a list of all clubs, including: Where they happen, What they do, how to join, who can join, who runs the clubs, events if they have any, and times that meetings happen.
Band: Since the renovations of WMS, the band room has been destroyed and band students now play and learn their assigned instruments in the auditorium, along with chorus and drama. Taught by Mrs. Maneri, the new band consists of instruments like the clarinet, flute, trumpet,saxophones, and tubas. It also has more refined versions of these instruments, like the bass clarinet or the alto saxophone. Many instruments, but not all, can also be a part of Jazz band where you play jazz music for the Winter Concert. In order to join, you have to sign up for the class or just talk to Mrs. Maneri. Band meetings are at 7:20 before school on Wednesday for 6th graders, and Thursday for 7th and 8th graders. Ask Mrs. Maneri for more information on the instruments. The next band concert is on December 11th.
Chorus: Like band, due to the renovations and the destruction of the chorus room, Chorus has been moved to auditorium. The only time to join is at the beginning of the school year, but he’ll make an exception for students who started school mid-year. Boys and girls are also preparing their voices for the winter concert, which they share with band. Many kids are in both Chorus and Band and they have also managed to keep balance between the two. Sixth graders have practice on Monday, 7th and 8th grade ladies practice on Tuesday, and 7th and 8th grade boys practice on Wednesday.
Drama: Mrs. Liastro and Ms.Masperi are the teachers in charge of drama. Starting in February, drama is on Mondays and Wednesday for everyone. Rehearsals are after school in the auditorium. See Mrs. Liastro or Ms.Masperi for more information.
Mural: Ms.Sue, Mr. Malmstrom, and Mr.Lee are the teachers that run Mural club. Although there is no specific date for when it starts, we do know much else. It starts after school until the bus comes, or about 4:00 pm, though sometimes it can go on longer. Due to having a numerous people, groups are assigned, last year by letters. Usually though, they are called based on what the group is painting. Example: If a group is painting a castle, it would be called the castle group.
National Junior Honour Society(NJHS): NJHS is run by Mrs.McHale and our very own school counselor Ms. Torrella. These meetings vary from the days when they meet, but you will get notified of the changes. Meetings may happen during school, but most commonly after. There will be one at least once a month. NJHS work on helping others, by fundraising, like the bake sales we have or the pretzels we sell. Last year, we fund raised to help a school that was severely damaged by Hurricane Irma. This year, they are collecting items for kids in foster care. They also help the student council, and volunteer during our schools Thanksgiving dinner. Its for 7th and 8th graders only though, and you have to have honour roll for all four marking periods, and no disciplinary marks(no detentions or ACS).
Art: Run by art teacher Mrs. Donewitz, Art club has limited space available to join, so the first 15 people who hand in permissions slips that you can get and give to Ms. Donewitz are the people who make up the club. There is currently a waiting list to join, so “as people drop out through the year, people are also joining.” Mrs. Donewitz is the sole host of this club, which is the cause for the minimal availability. She has the meetings before school on Thursday mornings at 7:45, which clashes with band so you may need to make a decision, or work something out with Mrs. Maneri and Ms. Donewitz. The club meets in the art room, Room 28. They do different crafts; like key chains or jewelry. The projects also go to different places; they can go home, to the school, or to the community. Art club is open to all grades.
AV: Computer teachers Mr. Blasena and Mr. Cardoso are in charge of AV club. You sign up in September. There are no meetings, you just have to show up in the mornings for the recording of the videos(the daily announcements). Meetings will never be during school, only before. Mr. Cardoso helps run the cameras and green screen that are used, and students help edit. All grades can join.
Chess: Chess club is lead by math teachers Mr.Lee and Mr. Cianfano. Open to all grades, it will start sometime after the new year, around January. Its held in Room 16, Mr. Cianfano’s room. It usually starts after school hours. To join, you need to get a permission slip from either Mr.Lee or Mr. Cianfano and hand it in to one of them. All grades are allowed to join. Chess club is open for beginners and experts alike.
Student Council: Student Council is currently run by Ms.Diamond, usually along with Ms.Burke but she’s on maternity leave. In order to join, you just need to ask and return a permission slip. Meetings are almost always in the mornings, once a month, at 7:40 in the cafeteria. They can, however, be after school at 3:10 if needed. They are having a fundraiser for a boy with Leukemia in November, funds raised by hosting a bake sale. They also are donating food to the St.James food pantry and the Mc Food bank.