What Would You Rather

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Photo via: https://pixabay.com/en/jump-group-beach-friends-628431/ Under the creative commons license

Emma Ferreira, spring author

Many people know the game called Would You Rather that we all played as a kid. I took this game to the WMS students to see what peoples reaction and answers are.

The Would You Rather question that was asked was, ‘would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible and having the fear of getting caught.’

Most of the Students chose going to jail for many reasons. The most popular reason for choosing jail was having the guilt of getting away with something and being able to live a normal life afterwards. Another couple reasons that were a less popular was if you got away with it then people would eventually find out and hate you or that you would live your life with guilt and not

For 6th grade many said that they would rather go to jail. Felix M. says “I would go to jail because I am the type of person to not hold secrets and I would tell everyone what I did. I also wouldn’t want to live with the fear of getting caught for the rest of my life”. Three other sixth graders felt the same as Felix. They would all not want to have the fear of getting caught.

For 7th grade students all of the students said they would rather go to jail because they do not want to have a “weight” on their chest about something. Saja B. says” I would definitely go to jail because I don’t want the weight on my chest about something I did. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life if I got away with something”. The 3 other 7th graders have similar responses as Saja, with the addings of “anxiety”, “trust” and “guilt”.

For 8th grade students 3 out of the 4 said that they would rather go to jail because they felt like their friends and family would find out and hate them for what they did. Elijah V says “ I would get away because when you go to jail it goes on your record and I want to have a good life without jail, but I don’t want to be caught doing something bad”. Elijah was the only 8th grader out of 4 that said they would rather get away with something bad.

Through this I have found that most of the students would rather go to jail for the fact that they don’t want to have the fear of getting caught and holding that guilt.