Thoughts on gender equality



Samirrah Oritz, Spring Author

What do you think about gender equality? Do you believe in it? Students at WMS give their answers to these questions.

In order to determine how WMS students feel about gender equality, it was important to ask them if they knew what it was.All the answers that the students gave have the same idea, which is “being treated the same”, and not having it based on traits, status, or personality. The google definition for equality is ‘ The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.’  Student responses, overall, were accurate because they contained words that were part of the definition.

After the results of the previous question, students weighed in on whether or not they actually feel people are created equal. For all the questions, all the students gave similar answers, just re-stated differently. Sydney Dicosimo,6th grade  gave a more simple answer stating “Yes, because we are all human no matter our status.” Micah Eason, 6th grade said “ Yes, but some people might say they are better than someone else.”

People think that one gender has more rights than the other. Is that true? Anvita Sinha, 6th grade said that she hasn’t noticed a gender overpowering one another. Andrew Jones,6th grade says “ I don’t think that there is a gender overpowering one another because i’m starting to see the same appearances in television.”

Women are starting to appear in more entertainment studios. Micah Eason went on to say that women will start to have more of the same rights as men because “they are appearing in more shows and movies.”

Many people believe that the job you work for should not matter how much money you get paid.  Andrew Jones said “Its based on the job you work for. But if your working a reasonable amount of hours you should be getting paid good money.”

Some facts were given to the students to gauge their reactions. Most of them gave no reaction except for “ Wow, I didnt know that,” but Andrew Jones, 6th grader, didn’t say anything; his facial expressions were his words. Still frozen in his thoughts, he walks back in class surprised.

Gender equality has an impact on our lives due to the fact that everyone debates whether men have more rights than women or vice versa. People also take this debate to work and school which makes a riot that splits friendships and drifts families away from each other.