Woodbridge Middle School has 17 minutes of silence for Parkland shooting memorial


Ashantae James

FOOTPRINTS OF WALKOUT This is a picture of the footprints left after the walkout/moment of silence

Emma Ferreira and Ashantae James, Spring author

On March 14th 2018,outside of WMS students gathered for a moment of silence and showed solidarity for the tragedy at the Parkland High School and for the lives lost.

The students bowed their heads down for seventeen minutes to show respect for the seventeen deaths.

WMS students participated in the protest towards gun violence and school shootings. Dr. Crowe, school principal, provided an opportunity for students to join in the Walk-Out or to stay inside if they did not want to participate.  It seemed that there were more students outside than inside.

One sixth grader, Michael Sorbette, who did not participate said, “We are the new generation and if we can have a voice that can change something we can teach our children and the future generations how to have a voice like ours”.

I feel that, overall, we want a better future for our next generation, and generations to come.  WMS shows respect and sorrow for what happened in Parkland high school.