Shooting their way into their second game


The boys basketball team won their second game of the season with a walloping score of 43-18.

Jerimar Brown made six points out of the 43 points. He said “I have to change because there are different rules for every team.” He also said “ it feels great helping the team win” because he knows he’s a “big part of it.” He felt “confident” going into the game, but he added “we expected them to come hard”.

Aiden Castro thinks he had a “good” shooting game and thinks the season is going “pretty good” so far. It impacts his life because he loves sports and it’s another part of his year that makes him “happy”. He thought it was “cool” playing on his birthday.

Dylan Bradley said the team needs to work on ball movement; he thinks they need to practice more to fix it. Dylan Bradley thinks its “fun” to be own the same team as his brother, Jayson Bradley thinks he should shoot more.