WMS Warriors Respond To The Week Of Respect
RESPECT TRUMPS BULLYING! : WMS Students Come Together As One For The Week Of Respect
Throughout the first week of October, students and teachers at WMS are acknowledging the meaning of respect by wearing school colors and participating in activities. This week is called the Week Of Respect.
The aim of these activities said, Katie Joe, a 7th grader at WMS was “getting the kids to reflect back on what respect means to them and hopefully the behavior that the kids are doing this week will grow and continue on being respectful to other students and teachers”.
During the Week of Respect, students and teachers were asked to wear certain colors, team jerseys, and recite an anti-bullying pledge. The eighth grade created a unity chain with respect quotes written on them. This particular activity represented togetherness and strength in numbers. When asked what a positive school environment feels like, WMS students replied “ showing respect for peers and teachers, friendly and accepting students, less drama, everyone contributing to the school positively, following simple rules, and understanding teachers.”
Yazziray Ruiz says that a way she can boost someone’s self-esteem is by sitting with them at lunch. Rachael Malltell responds to the same question with, “complimenting them and getting them hype!”
One of WMS’ teachers, Mr. Malmstrom replied “A place where you want to come, feel safe, and look forward to interacting with people who are different from yourself. A place where the successes of others are celebrated.”
Abigail Rodriguez, an 8th grader, feels that a comfortable and safe school environment “lacks stereotypes”.
When asked what her idea of a positive student role model was, Precious Chatmon, another 8th grader, said, “A positive student does their homework and tries their very best every day.”
Students here at WMS feel that WMS is a place of positivity. During this week, students learned how to come together and be one by including students that are left out at lunch, gym, or any other activities held during and after school.
Diego Rolon • Oct 26, 2017 at 2:04 pm
Great job Journalism Class and Mr.Malmstrom!! The articles are looking amazing!!