Woodbridge Warrior Welcoming Committee
WMS WELCOMING COMIMTTEE: Making students feel welcomed, the Warrior Way.
Ms.Torrella and the 7th grade journalism students determined that a Welcoming Committee will be needed at WMS. Ms.Torrella explained that “we want the new students to feel welcomed.”
She continued “Journalism students would be the ones to be in the welcoming committee because, they’re mature, polite, and know the school.”
Ms. Torrella also concluded that journalism students wouldn’t interview the new ones on the first day they arrive, they would just “show them around”. However, once the new students get used to the school, an interview will take place about their experience and perspective.
8th graders, Claire English and Anthony Ciaccio who are a part of the journalism team said that “it’s interesting to create a bond and get to know new students.”
Ciaccio went on to explain why he felt the committee should not be a club, “Too many people would want to join.”
Gianna Orten in the 7th grade journalism class said “I’d like to be a part of the upcoming welcoming committee because I would like to be a tour guide to the new students.”
Kimora Park explained the merits of having a welcoming committee, “Yes, I would like someone to show me my classes so I wouldn’t get lost and end up being late.”
All in all a ‘Woodbridge Warrior Welcoming’ will be an asset to the school.