THE WMS STEM club has returned this year as an after-school club. Mr. Olvesen is the advisor of the club and they built popsicle bridges.
Mr.Olvesen, the advisor of the STEM club, explained that the STEM club is in its third year. He said, “This is the third year for the STEM club for Woodbridge Middle School.”
Olvesen went on to explain that STEM helps students learn from mistakes. He said, “Building the answers and spending a lot of time building and creating stuff requires overcoming a level of failure, and I think that’s the best part about learning.”
Olvesen said, “We have the opportunity for everybody to request to have STEM as their class for 7th or 8th grade, but unfortunately, not everybody gets in, and because of that, a [club] allows anyone to join after school.”
Eric Victoria, a 7th-grade student at WMS, said that if he were a STEM club teacher, “I would create a robotic arm built out of popsicle sticks.”
WMS students say that they enjoy the STEM club. Kaniel Quezada, a 7th-grade student at WMS, said, “His favorite part of the STEM club is being able to build cool things.”
WMS students say that they enjoy the STEM club. Jeremiah Pena, a 7th-grade student at WMS, said, “If he could build anything in STEM club, it would be a cereal box race car.”
Olvesen said, “Science is the combination of all subjects, so now language arts and math are put together in one place. People know to practice everything and apply it as they work on their STEM projects.”