Mr Ahmed, and Mr Godkin, with students are bringing back E-sports Club to room 301 after school. There will be a Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart tournament next week.
Mr. Ahmed, the organizer of the event and club advisor, explained information about the E-Sports tournament. He said, “It will be starting week 3. We’ll make sure we have our teams and individual rosteres set up, and then the following week we’ll start getting ready for the tournament. The first tournament would be Super Smash Brothers. After that it would be ranging every other week with the Smash Bros one.”
Ahmed went on to discuss how the tournament will be organized. He said it can range from 1v1s to 3v3s and a “plethora” of other modes but it will remain 1v1.
Mr. Ahmed went on to explain how the winner would choose their prize this is what he mentioned, “It would consist of what the Esports club member displays an interest in rather than something that the club advisers decide on because at the end of the day it is the esports gamers that comprise and facilitate the club instead of the club advisers.”
Mr. Ahmed went on to explain what competitive games he played, “Competitive-wise came in my Playstation days where I played Gran Turismo.”
Jadrien Rodriguez explained what he was going to do to prepare for the tournament. He said, “I’m probably going to do an iron man where I use a site that gives me a character and I have to win with that character. I’ll probably use Steve or Terry, if I lose the iron man.”
Students are really looking forward to the event. For example, Rodrigeuez explained that he wants to help others get better, “I just want to have a good time meet new people and maybey new people who are good, And help people to get better”
Rodriguez encouraged others to keep going with the quote, “Stay on the grind, dont lose.”