Summer has the days of carefreeness and warmth. Meanwhile, Winter represents the days of stress and coldness. Summer has lots of benefits, while winter has close to none. Summer is better than winter and there are numerous reasons why, for example, the Disney TV show Phineas and Ferb is made about summer. Where are the TV shows about winter? There are none because winter is the worst season ever. There are many songs about summer too, an example is ” Summer in the City. ” I don’t see winter in the city though.
The clothes you wear depend on the seasons. If it’s cold you’ll feel uncomfortable outside and want to return inside to be warm. To withstand the cold you’ll have to put on many uncomfortable layers of clothes to go outside. For example a long-sleeved shirt, an extra shirt if it’s extra cold, a hoodie, a puffy jacket, and snow boots.
With all those layers of clothes on, you won’t be able to move around as freely when you don’t. I hate having to wear puffy jackets. I feel so uncomfortable wearing them, especially with my hoodie. Hats don’t fit my hair either so I have to use the hood. That feels even more uncomfortable. I don’t like wearing gloves either, because of the sound they make when they rub against each other. I’m not surprised that I’m uncomfortable in the winter though. Winter of course would have such an effect. After all, it is hell on Earth but cold. Dirty filthy winter…
If it’s warm you’ll want to be outside because you’ll feel comfortable. According to exposure to sunlight can make you happier. Therefore you’ll feel happy when you’re outside. You won’t have to wear layers of clothes, instead, you can wear something lighter. You can wear a T-shirt and shorts and a light sweater. By doing that you’ll be able to move around easier as well. If the sun gets in your eyes you can wear sunglasses. However, if snow gets in your shoe or a snowball is thrown at you, there is no solution.
During Winter there are fewer activities to do. All there is to offer is activities with the snow or ice skating. When it doesn’t snow when it’s Winter, almost every activity is eliminated. Not everyone can ice skate either. The activities are really limited. Most of the time you end up bored and stuck inside. Let’s not forget about the colds and flu that come around this time either.
During Summer there are more activities to do. You can go for a walk and take in your surroundings. You can have a picnic with your friends or family. You can go for a bike ride and feel the breeze. Going for a swim to cool you off. Going to the beach is enjoyable as well.
Any sport you want to do you can! For example football, soccer, or basketball. I do color guard in the summer. I often practice too when it’s warm outside. Color guard is a really fun sport! During Summer the activities are endless.
For students when Winter is around so is school. School is a lot of work sometimes and can get very stressful. Trying to keep up with your school work for example math worksheets, IXLs, language arts projects, and studying for the science test. Chores at home are hard to keep up with too especially if you’re an only child.
Any extracurricular activities outside of school can cause stress due to everything else you have to do too. The only break you get is for a week and some schools give out homework over those. When your week break is over you’ll dread going back to school. You’ll feel tired and just upset it went by so fast.
For students when it’s Summer then school isn’t around. You’ll have no worries over schoolwork because you have none. Many extracurricular activities are done too. Even if they aren’t, now you can fully enjoy them without school in the way. Summer break is so long that when school does come around again, you’re well-rested. You might even find yourself missing school.
School for me is a hassle, especially in wintertime. For some reason, teachers love to give you their last major tests and projects before winter break. For summer though near the end of school, you get free days. Another thing to love about summer. In summer my birthday is too so two more things to love about it now.
The days are shorter in the winter. You’ll feel like you have less time for stuff since it gets dark so quickly. If you want to hang out with friends after school and have to be home before dark. You’ll have such little time before it gets dark. It’ll feel like you’ve only hung out for a few minutes.
Seasonal Affective disorder is a type of depression. It often affects people during Winter and fall. It comes from the days being shorter and daylight too. This sets off a chemical change in the brain, which can cause depression according to
The days are longer in summer. You’ll feel like you have all the time in the world. If you want to hang out with your friends, you’ll get to hang out with them for hours. All because it’s summer and the sun sets much later. While winter makes you sad, summer will give you time to be happy. It will also give you warmth which makes me happy. It takes forever to be warm in the winter.
Overall summer is just superior compared to winter, which is inferior.