The Scream (Inspired by The Scream by Edvard Munch) By: Emma Hodgins

Genesis Henriquez, Spring Editor

He froze.

His face plastered with horror.

He watches me.

He watched everyone.


We were an open book.

He was a reader.

Now forever still he stands

Watching us.

Doesn’t dare to move an inch.

Terrified of the people we’ve become.


We were a reflection in a glass

Dependent on the way we are created.

Our rights restricted by the mindset our leaders.

Binding us to laws that only limit us.


We kill ourselves unknowingly,

Inching closer to a dystopia.

Living in our paper towns and cardboard cities.

Oblivious we continue.


He watches as we kick our sons and daughters to the street,

For the people they love.

He watches as the worth of young girls is decided

Through the pigment of the skin.

He watches the world the world he built from stone come crumbling down.



