Ms. McHale, a 6th grade language arts teacher and the NJHS co- advisor at WMS, is preparing for the new school year and induction.
What’s the purpose of NJHS? Ms. McHale said, “The purpose of the National Junior Honor Society is to recognize those students who have high academic standings, they’re good characters, good role models of other students in the school, as well as being all about helping others without being told what to do, having that initiative and integrity.”
NJHS’ requirements, stated by Ms.McHale, are maintaining the honor roll, teacher recommendations, a form they have to fill out about their characteristics, citizenship, and leadership. After that, an essay is required that explains why the student wants to be in NJHS.
That’s just the application process. Neither Ms.McHale, nor Mrs. Torella has any say in who and who doesn’t get in.
Ten hours of service are required too. But it’s simple. Ms. McHale talked about it briefly, she said, “That can be from volunteering to help out at orientation, or back to school night, helping out your teachers, or peer tutoring.”
Students in NJHS get to express themselves through ideas. They do activities like fundraisers, Ms. McHale said she wanted to bring back Relay for Life and the Thanksgiving Feast is coming back and scheduled for Nov. 14.
The students also get recognition. It shows how hard students work, and the ability to work with peers outside of academics. At graduation students get recognized for academics and wear a special cord showing a symbol of NJHS.