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The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

The student news site of Woodbridge Middle School

The Warrior Messenger

Dance Company Shines

Sarina James
Ms. Carelli instructs Dance Company student in the WMS auditorium.

WMS Dance Company had an amazing performance on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at Woodbridge Community Center. 

Ms. Carelli, the advisor of the Dance Company, said that she is a middle school dance teacher because she wanted to be the teacher she needed when she was younger.  Ms. Carelli also said that she believes everyone can participate in dance. 

Dance Company is fun, especially when performing in front of an audience. 

Ashlynn Lynch, an 8th grader in the Dance Company, said, “I am excited for families and kids to see it. Even though it’s not a big message but it can be an awakening for people to get motivation to do dance or get back into dancing and to spread a message about dancing.”

Ms. Carelli said she is excited to see what all the other schools bring. She said she’s also excited to see the diversity between all the schools because she knows from the dance programs, dance can bring all sorts of very different people together.

Dance Company members are very excited about this event. Cameron Hammond, a 6th grader in Dance Company said, “I’m excited to see other people dance and see what the other dance companies have to bring. Also, I’m excited about just dancing with other people.”

Teachers are very appreciative of the things these kids do. Ms. Carelli said, “I am really appreciative that people work so hard and show up for a once-a-week club on a Friday morning, nonetheless 7:30 in the morning and I’m really, really grateful that people work as hard as they do and try as hard as they do.” 

People have favorite things about Dance Company. Hammond said, “That we can do different stuff and go to different events we can go to and have fun. We’re like the ‘Event Starters.’”

Lynch said that she wants to change the fact no one really knows that the Dance Company exists unless you are friends with the students in the Dance Company or you’re the teachers. Some people know that Dance Company exists because of the announcements but not many people pay attention to the morning announcements.

To the people who love dancing in studios, Hammond said, “If you like dancing especially if you like dancing in studios, I think you should join Dance Company next year because it is really fun.”

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