I’m going to ask someone about what is a weird food combination they tried. I’m going to interview Alicia Morales. Mel: So Alicia what is a weird food combination you’ve tried? Ali: it would be Nutella and crackers. Mel: And did you like it? Ali: No I didn’t. Mel: okay that’s all. Thank you for your time.
Weird food combination
Melanie E, Author
May 16, 2024
Photo via: https://www.google.com/search?q=nutella%20and%20ritz%20crackers&tbm=isch&tbs=il:cl&rlz=1CAJIKU_enUS1022&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=0CAAQ1vwEahcKEwjwoMPa44qGAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg&biw=1318&bih=681&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=FvyYJ50-NsAkJM Under the Creative Common Licence