January 29

Audreyann Rasimowicz, Editor

1845- Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” is published

On this day in 1845, Edgar Allan Poe releases “The Raven” in the New York Evening Mirror. 

In 1827, Poe published his writing, a collection of his poems. He entered one of his short stories, “MS Found in a Bottle”, in a contest and won $50. He then worked to edit a series of Journals, including the Southern Literary Messenger and Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine. He was fired later for excessive drinking.

His work, which has a dark and morbid writing themes inspired other famous authors, such as  Charles Baudelaire (Author of “The Flowers of Evil”, 1857), Stephane Mallarme (Author of “Divagations”,1897) and even Dostoyevsky (Author of Demons, 1871).