January 20


Photo via Wikimedia Commons under Creative Commons License

Audreyann Rasimowicz, Editor

1777- Patriots win Battle of Millstone, New Jersey

General Philemon Dickinson lead 400 men from the New Jersey militia and 50 riflemen from Pennsylvania to surprise-attack 500 British soldiers. The British soldiers have been stealing goods from Van Nest’s Mills near Millstone, New Jersey, and had set up cannons along the Millstone River bridge. The Patriots, however, forded the icy waters and surprised the soldiers. The Patriots end up victorious after the 20-minute battle, the Patriots  captured 107 horses, 49 wagons, 115 cattle, 70 sheep, 40 barrels of flour—106 bags and took 49 prisoners. General George Washington reported that the British losses estimated to be 24 or 25 in total compared to the 4 or 5 losses sustained by the Patriots.


(Taken from: www.history.com)