WMS baseball team shows determination and motivation
LETS GO WARRIORS: 8th grader NIck Lukachyk in windup getting ready to throw a pitch
Oct 14, 2022
WMS baseball coaches have been leading WMS baseball players in every game at WHS or the opposing team’s turf for the 2022 season.
Thanks to the motivation from the coaches and each other the WMS baseball team think of the playoffs and championships as any regular game. 8th grader, Nick Lukachyk even said, “You have to play how you play, you have to play how you usually play and think of it as a regular game.”
Although the WMS boys are 0-2 with their rival, Colonia Middle School, the team knows to keep their chin up high because of Mr.Olvesen’s words, he commented, “I guess it depends on what game it is, high five, ‘chin up’, ‘shake it off’ is what we do when someone strikes out or gets picked off.”
They have great confidence and truly believe that they can win the playoffs and championships. 8th grader, Hogan Boyd, said, “We are going to win the championship.”
7th grader, Dillion Diaz, commented on how hard the team will have to work, saying, “I feel like we are going to do good in the playoffs and we just gotta come hard in the championship.”
The WMS Warriors also have opinions and pointers on their teams communication skills. Nick Lukachyk talked about the the in field and out field’s communication he said, “We are getting along well It could use work though, definitely a lot more work especially in the outfield.”
The WMS baseball boys team also enjoyed their new jerseys, Nick Lukachyk said, “The team jerseys this year are like ten times better than last year because last year they were so bland it was just red and black.”