WMS students walk for breast cancer awareness
WALKING AND SAVING LIVES:WMS students of 2021 walk around for breast cancer awareness
Oct 13, 2022
On October 14th there will be a breast cancer awareness walk held by Miss.Nardoza and Mrs.Dymond during fourth block.
The cost for students to participate will be a $5 donation. Students should get their money in before Friday.
This cause is important to Miss Nardoza because ¨[her] dad passed away from cancer so anyone [she] can help to not have to go through that is definitely helpful.¨
Mrs.Dymond cares about this cause because she said, ¨Breast cancer runs in my family, so I’m very passionate about the cause.¨
Students can either give the money to their homeroom teacher Miss.Nardoza or Mrs. Dymond.
For the walk there will be music to listen to, and will take place in the back of the school.
After about 10 or 15 minutes of fourth block they will call students down to get their items that will be needed to bring home, and tell participants where to go after getting their backpack.
The students will be dismissed when the bell rings, in other words, when fourth block ends.