“Gobble Gobble” to the WMS Thanksgiving Dinner
On a cold windy night, Woodbridge Middle School had their 6th annual Thanksgiving Dinner, Tuesday November 22nd 2016.
Ms.VanKleef is in charge of this event and, sadly, it’s her last year doing it. She said this event went even better than she planned. She stated “It was a well-oiled machine.”
This event became a tradition six years ago in the year 2010. A former principal, Mr.McLaughlin, talked to Chartwells, and worked with them to provide food for this event.
Ms.VanKleef loves doing this because it is her favorite holiday, she stated, “Food, family and fun! There are no cards, presents or music involved!”
Dr.Crowe was proud of how smoothly it ran. He feels the entire community is involved, not just one person. That’s what he loves about it. He stated “It warms my heart to see people come together so nicely.” Throughout the event he looked around and watched the teachers “mingle” with students and parents.
A lot more teachers got involved this year and helped serve, make decorations, and bake desserts. Some brought their families and enjoyed a nice meal with others.

The NJHS was asked to volunteer to help out on this night. They packed carts with drinks and went around passing them out as people walked in, emulating servers.
Dr.Crowe thinks that for future years we will need more room. The cafeteria was packed. As the years go on there have been more and more people signing up. Even with forty families not showing up there were at least 400 people that celebrated in the WMS cafeteria all night.
Although it is a difficult task to undertake, in the end, everyone savored their time together at WMS. . We are so thankful to have such an amazing staff to put this together.