The 8th grade role models of September

Amber Chowela 8th grade September student of the month

Josh Valesco 8th grade September student of the month
Josh Valesco 8th grade September student of the month

When Amber Chowela and Joshua Valesco have the smarts and the attitude, WMS is proud to announce both of them as the first 8th grade students of the month.

Amber Chowela was surprised when she won student of the month for the first time. Chowela has never won Student of the Month in the three years being here. Amber feels like being an 8th grader has some perks like being a role model to the 6th and 7th graders. But sometimes she says that she feels the same and that she’s not bigger than anybody else.

Amber says, “I feel like I’ve matured more since I won.” Not only has she matured more, but she also learned that people need to respect and have trust. Her advice to students who want to become Student of the Month is to “have respect for teachers and peers and try your best in whatever class.” As an 8th grader, Amber expects herself to see some changes in the school by being devoted to sports teams, a stronger learning system, and dealing with sportsmanship in gym specials. Winning this title, Amber feels like students will respect her more in high school. She gives thanks to her inspirational teachers Ms. Duffy, and Mr. Guidetti.

Josh Velasco was more than surprised when the guidance counselors, Mrs. Torella and Mrs. Valente , announced his name. He says it felt “good”  since it was also the first time Josh has won Student of the Month; he feels like he is a role model and states that he “kinda likes it.”  Josh says Woodbridge Middle is great and he really likes it here. His advice for students who want to become students of the month is to “just keep learning, be strong and be more concentrated” Josh doesn’t have any family members in WMS but still looks out for others, helping them to succeed.

Velasco says that he expects himself to be more active in sports and join soccer. Although Josh is very proud of his title he doesn’t believe that the title of student of the month will affect his high school career. He gives thanks and recognition to the teachers that helped him have this title, Mrs Dymond, Ms. Pastor, Mr. Koby, and Mr. O’connor.

The guidance counselors of the school, Ms. Torella and Mrs. Valente send out emails to teachers for them to send the names of the student who they think deserve the title of student of the month. The names that appear the most out of the grade wins the award. The guidance counselors expect students to have the grades, the work, and the ethic. Mrs. Valente believes that if they work hard enough in their classes they deserve to have recognition. Ms. Torella says she believes that student should put their academics first, and should be a “well-rounded student”  and someone who goes out of their way to work hard. The guidance department says that Student of the Month can be the teachers feelings of someone that deserves the title because they are great in class and very kind.