The Streak is Over, Colonia Wins

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The Streak is Over
May 31, 2019
Woodbridge Boys Cross Country lose their first ever match and their record falls to a 27-1. The boys lost in a tough battle to Colonia 18-40, where Colonia runners were just faster. The Cross Country team has one more shot against all schools in the district, in the Meet of Champions.
Coach Eubanks was “proud,” and recognized the competition, and he “congratulated,” the Colonia boys on a good meet, they also must have practiced as much and worked harder. “We have one more shot; we will need our top runners to believe they have no limit and can do their best,” Eubanks added to motivate his runners that they can win.
The Boys will have their last shot and take home the championship trophy on June 6th against all the schools in the district. Even though the streak has ended, they still have the chance to take home the trophy that has stayed at WMS for the last five years.