How fashion icons have changed the fashion industry .
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Jan 28, 2019
Fashion has changed a lot throughout the century from Ava Gardner, to Diana Ross. An example of change came in the 1920s Josephine Baker set a fashion statement by slicked back hair to dark lips and the flapper vibe. She set a fashion statment by becoming one of Europe’s most popular and highest paid performers.
The first fashion trend started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth .Who in 1858 was the first designer to have his own label sewn into the garments himself, according to Wikipedia.
Here at WMS, students have their own fashion senses. Hailey Lyman, 7th grader, said, “I get my style from my personality and my sister, and YouTube stars, Nikki and Gabby.” She said that she sometimes plans her outfit the day before. Another 7th grader, Julian Gonzalez, said, “I get my sense of style from my mom” and “ I get inspired from myself.”
If you are trying to impress, I recommend wearing clothes that would stand out and be different. You don’t always have to wear what everyone else wears, wear what makes you comfortable and happy in your own way .