Leonardo da Vinci tests flying machine and is unsuccessful- 1/3/1496
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Jan 3, 2019
On January 3, 1496 in a field outside of Florence, Italy Leonardo da Vinci decided to test out his famous Flying Machine.
Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, inventor, and visionary. He made items such as The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man. Those are some of many of his famous paintings. Even though Leonardo had invented many things his most famous one is his Flying Machine.
This Flying Machine was tested many times and today, approximately 523 years ago his test was unsuccessful. This Machine had a wingspan of 33 feet, and the frame was made out of pine covered in silk. Eventually Leonardo da Vinci figured out the idea was flawed and no human would have enough strength to jump high enough for this Flying Machine to work.
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