Who will be the 6th Students of the Month for May this time?
STUNNING; The 6th SOTM smile for the camera.
Jun 15, 2018
The 6th grade Students of the Month for May are here.
The two students who won the award for May is Brianna Gonzalez and Ahmad Maiga. These students throughout the month followed the Warrior Way which is respect, integrity, and responsibility.
Both students can agree that throughout the month they followed the Warrior Way and more. Gonzalez said that she maybe got it because “I stayed focused in class.”
Maiga said that too. Maiga found that he has been award one of the 6th grade Students of the Month when he was “reading a book”. Then he says that he heard his name out of nowhere and people started to clap. Then someone said that he had just one 6th grade Student of the Month.
Gonzalez was just as surprised as Maiga when she had won, she said that “I really never win.”
Like most people Gonzalez and Maiga have plans for the summer break. Gonzalez has plans to attend some dance competitions. While Maige is going to attend chem and soccer camps.
Hopefully students of all grades look at Gonzalez and Maiga and want to meet their polite standards, and to also follow the Warrior Way, our schools foundation of being a great student.