Rollin’ into the weekend with bingo and kahoot

photo via : under the creative commons license
Jun 8, 2018
On May 25th, the Woodbridge Middle School PBSIS committee , for the first time held a school wide Kahoot and Bingo game. Students around the school participated in this event and Mr.Murphy did the announcement with his famous corny jokes.
Murphy says it was a “fun experience”. Also he said he is “goofy enough to make a fool of myself” Murphy is a member of the PBSIS committee and was ready to take the position of the announcements. Murphy then said the only thing that was difficult was the phones and trying to have the winner call in. There was a little “miscommunication” but it all worked out in the end.
Ms.Kaschak, a homeroom teacher in the event, said that her homeroom usually is “chaotic” but she also said “my kids actually enjoyed it”. Kaschak said that this was well-organized and would want to continue this event if the kids enjoy it.
Ms.McHale, another homeroom teacher in the event, said she liked it and “it was a perfect way to end the week.” McHale thinks it was well-organized and it wasn’t much difficult when there was a homeroom helper. The only thing she felt was difficult was that it was “ sometimes unclear when you said the letters”, but the homeroom helpers were there to help. She would want this event to continue again next year.
Daniel Batista, a 7th grader at WMS , said he enjoyed the Bingo and Kahoot. He said “yes and no” when it came to wanting to do it again. He said this because “everyone was all over the place when people found out they won.” He was surprised when he won because he won on the hardest board. Batista said he has experience with Bingo. At his elementary school, they would bring in cans for a Bingo board.
We hope that this event occurs in the future and that many more will participate!