Which one do you prefer Snapchat or Instagram?
Photo via https://www.google.com/search?q=snapchat&rlz=1CADEAF_enUS790US790&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiolpDI7YzbAhXMqlkKHaK6Bf8Q_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=654&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=MvLDvs60DPgyAM:https://www.google.com/search?q=instagram&rlz=1CADEAF_enUS790US790&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=sur:fc&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJtJvc7YzbAhUGqlkKHTk0AN0QpwUIHg&biw=1366&bih=654&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=D8P-1u31KFw1vM: under the Creative Commons License
May 17, 2018
A heated argument is taking over middle schools. What is better? Snapchat or Instagram.A poll from the Huffington Post stated, “ 43% says they would deleted Snapchat if Instagram ‘stories’ adds filters. The other 57% voted for Snapchat mainly because of their filters. Over the course of this past year Instagram has added face filters, location tags, stickers, drawing tools, and disappearing photo messages just like Snapchat.
Filters: In some ways, Instagram is almost like Snapchat. Instagram has filters that are somewhat similar to Snapchat like the dog filter, heart filter, and a sunglasses filter.You can post anything you want on your story for 24 hours. This goes for both Snapchat and Instagram. People are starting to like Snapchat more than Instagram because Snapchat now has a new update that allows you to play different games while using a filter. I like the Snapchat filters more because their filters looks more realistic compared to Instagram’s.
Saving Photographs:The only thing different between the two is that you have the option to post your pictures permanently until you want to delete it or post a picture for only 24 hours. Snapchat only lets you post your pictures for 24 hours. You can save the pictures to your “memories” on Snapchat and can always go back and repost it again. I like Instagram better because you can keep your picture up for however long you want.
Social Interaction: If you want to contact people through these two social media’s you can either “Dm” people through Instagram meaning direct message or you can privately text someone and send them a picture through Snapchat then start to gain “streaks”. Streaks is when you text a person for a long period of time and as you text that person and send them pictures and videos their is this number that keeps going up as you keep texting the person. As for Snapchat if someone posts a picture on their story you can slide up and comment on their picture or video that will go directly to that person, but for Instagram if a person posts a picture you can comment under their picture and it will go public for everyone to see.
I think Instagram is better because you have the option of commenting under someone’s post that is public or you can “dm” someone a message. I like the thought of commenting and dm’ing. That’s something I wish that Snapchat had.