MC Foods Foundation
DONATIONS DONATIONS: food donated by third block classes of Woodbridge Middle School
Mar 26, 2018
MC Foods Foundation
MC (Middlesex County) Foods Foundation collects food for people that are not as fortunate. Woodbridge middle school has donated over 7,000 canned foods for the homeless.
Mrs.Dymond, a Coordinator of the MC FOODS drive has been donating food for three years. They reached out to Dymond and asked her to donate. Dymond hopes that she can donate at least eleven bins worth of canned foods. Dymond stated that “she thinks it is important to help people in need and are not as fortunate as us.”
Mrs.Burke is another coordinator for MC Foods and this is her first year donating food to MC Foods. The idea was presented by principal, Dr.Crowe. She said that “the kids can learn something by this.” Mrs.Burke loves giving back to the community and was hoping that we can donate over 1000 items.
But for a contest they decided which ever third block donated the food they will get a free third block off and an ice cream party. The top three classes were Mrs. Liastro, Mrs. Habyk and Mrs. Burke. Mrs. Liastro in first place had over 3,000 items. In second place Mrs. Burke donated over 1,000 items. And in third place Mrs. Habyk with over 1,000 items.
Mrs. Liastro, the winner of the competition, said that “she is really proud of the kids” and what they accomplished. Mrs. Liastro also stated that “some kids went above and beyond with the donations of what was asked of them”.
The top two donors for Liastro’s third block class were Eric Fraga and Madison Rackett. They donated a lot of ramen noodles, juice boxes, fruit snacks, and much more. Together they gave a lot of canned goods and helped many people in need.Until next time don’t forget to donate to MC Foods for a great opportunity to help others.