With Dedication comes Recognition for the 7th Grade Students Of The Month.
SMILING THEIR WAY TO SUCCESS: Cristina McNish and Andrew Kleissler smile proud while holding their certificates
Mar 16, 2018
7th grade students of the month for February push everyone to try their hardest like they did. Congratulations Cristina McNish and Andrew Kleissler on winning with dedication.
Woodbridge Middle School had a great first semester, now it’s on to the second. February students of the month for 7th grade have some great advice for other students. “My advice for other students is to don’t talk when the teacher is, just behave in your classroom, listen to what your teacher are saying, do the best you can most likely you will get good grades and get honored for it,” said Kleissler.
McNish touched on the importance of kindness and diligence, “My advice for students is to be yourself, be the kindness you can, do all your school work and homework, pay attention in class and study each night and the night before a quiz or test.”
McNish was really “happy” she won because there are a lot of students who do good things and out of all the students in 7th grade she got picked. Kleissler, on the other hand, was “shocked” that he won a second time.
Every student who won student of the month did something extraordinary.
“During the Month of February I helped out a lot of people,” said McNish.
“I think I did what I did before” explained Kleissler, “doing good in school, getting good grades, trying not to talk during class and respecting everyone’s rights.”