Shining Stars of January
WMS STAR STUDENTS: January Star Stdents gather together to get their picture taken for their good deeds.
Mar 14, 2018
Woodbridge Middle School’s January Star Students earned the Star Student awards by conducting kind acts and showing good behavior.
Sixth Grade
Two students, Jennah Johnson and Nate Jarret noticed that when students were absent in American History, they decided to catch them up on the lessons that they missed. Jarret said, “It made me feel good when I helped.” Luckily, they both found American History an easier class, so it made it even easier for them to help. Johnson said, “I find American History easy, so why not help out?”
Ahmad Maiga, who is a student of Ms. Gallagher’s, stays after class every day to help put the chairs up on the desks. Maiga says, “If she needs help again, I will help her. I usually have a lot of free time, so if someone needs help, I’ll help them.”
Two students, Jasmine Hicock and Anna Zvoc stayed after class to clean up the messy art room without being asked. Zvoc felt that is wasn’t fair that their teacher had to clean the room alone, “It was really messy and I didn’t want her to clean all alone.” After helping both students felt good about their actions. Hicock said, “It makes me feel good because I’m helping people out.”
Alyssa Guiterrez always volunteers to help other without being asked. No matter what the problem or question is, she always helps. She enjoys staying after and helping people because she feels good about herself. Guiterrez says, “When I help, it makes me feel like I accomplished something.”
Seventh Grade
Devan Harris was rewarded as star student for leading his homerooms’ door decorating for the Respect, Responsibility, and Integrity contest . His home room (#4) didn’t win, but that didn’t put them down . Harris stated “I mean, it did something. It made me feel like I did something for the class and myself”. Harris later went on to explain even though they lost he and his fellow classmates “felt they did a good job with teamwork and good sportsmanship” .
Michael Kidwell spotted twenty dollars that a student had lost so he decided it was best to return it or turn it into the school so it could find its rightful owner . Kidwell explained that he isn’t like some other kids and if he found money he would rather return it . “I really like helping because it makes me feel better about myself” stated Kidwell. He provided more input about why he didn’t feel right to keep the money , “Because I don’t feel like taking money that isn’t mine, if it’s not mine I’m not going to take it; what’s the point ?”
Eighth Grade
William Gustave was noticed as star student for offering to work with a student who didn’t have a partner. Gustave explained that he didn’t want the student to “feel left out” so he decided to work with him . He also later stated, “I didn’t want them to fail and I care for people, it also made me feel good to care for others.”
Charles Crook was sitting at lunch one day he noticed that there was a kid sitting alone and he decided to go talk to him and invite him to sit at the table with him. Crook explained why he did it , “I did it because I’m nice, he looked lonely, so I wanted to be a good person and be nice.” Crook then went on and explained how he friends with everyone” . He also put a little more input in on why he wanted to be his friend, “I’m with a lot of people our lunch table is fun, and we laugh and have fun, and I didn’t want him to feel left out and lonely.”
Nick Kubinetz was honored with star student because he helped pick up garbage off the floor that other people looked over . He spoke about how he felt about it, “It made me feel great , it also made me feel special.” He later went on and said why it made him feel great, “seeing other people smile makes me feel good.”
Jason Merchan is skilled with computer and electronic work. Whenever someone needs help with technology, Merchan is there to help. Merchan says, “If someone asks for something on the computer, I can show them shortcuts to make it easier/ faster.”
Noemi Grande is anartistic person and she put those good skills to use. She was noticed as start student for leading her home room in the respect , responsibility , and integrity door contest . She explained why she took up the responsibility to do it herself, “ I am a very artistic person and I wanted the door to look good and not plain so we can have a chance to win.”
Jamir ‘Silky” Brown , #2 on the Woodbridge Warriors basketball team, was honored with star student because even though the boys basketball team didn’t win the championship that didn’t stop them from representing the girls team and congratulating them on their win . Jamir mentioned that he isn’t a ‘nasty player’ . He also advised, “just play fair , and being nasty and being a nasty player isn’t going to get you anywhere.”