Considerable Coding
Jan 25, 2018
Coding is already interesting as it is, but thanks to the workings of Mr. Cardoso, It’s gone up a whole new level.
In his class, Mr. Cardoso helps his students learn the formidable subject of coding by teaching them different commands and allowing them to work at their own pace. One form of coding they use is in the form of a puzzle where they must code their character to collect gems. “Coding is extremely useful depending on what you want to do in life,” says student Jake Vazquez. Jake also said that he’s learned “a lot” since he’s started and said it was thanks to Mr. Cardoso’s methods.

But why is coding so important in life? What makes it so important for there to be a separate class about it? “We were behind in that section of education,” says Mr. Cardoso when asked why a coding class was necessary.
Coding also seems to be gaining interest this year. Mr. Cardoso said that last marking period he had ten students, this time he has eleven. I know that doesn’t sound like much of a difference, but within the matter of two marking periods, it’s quite the change. Even if coding isn’t getting a lot of attention, I think it should. Coding is something almost no one gets to learn and I think it’s something people should learn because it could help you in life. An example of this is if you want to create a video game, you’ll have to know how to code in order to set the game’s foundation.

Coding is something that is complex to learn, but completely worth it after you learn it. You can also join Mr. Cardoso’s class if you want to. If you can’t, he would recommend you do an Hour of Code so you know what kind of code they learn. Or if you want, you can just join the class to be with your friends and learn together.