Chess club, a cool activity you need to “check” out
CHESS CLUB: Mr. Lee’s personal rock chess board.
Dec 18, 2017
Mr. Cianfano and Mr. Lee, both math teachers for different grades, run an amusing club called chess club.
In it, you learn how to play chess and play against other people in the club for practice. Mr. Lee says, “Very often, students think to capture as many pieces is the point of the game, but it’s not.”
Chess club takes place after school every Monday or Wednesday after the first meeting. It is fun and for all grades. “I love chess,” says Cianfano. “I play it as often as I can with myself or a friend.”
Chess club will begin in January and continue until spring. It will be taken on Mondays or Wednesdays almost every week. “I created chess club about five to six years ago,” Lee said, “At that time, six to seven students were interested,”
“Back then, there were no sports and three to four clubs at the time,” Lee continued. It wouldn’t hurt to try some chess. Even if you do not know how to play, you can easily learn.
It is definitely a bit time consuming, but entertaining and amusing to play. You should really “check” it out.